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Anonymous For The Voicelss: Animals Deserve Rights

‘ANONYMOUS FOR THE VOICELESS’ (AV) is an activist group fighting for the justice of animals. Contesting in 476 cities, 57 countries and 5 continents; they’re stamping their mark and making themselves heard. However, speech doesn’t play a part in their depiction of animal slaughter. Volunteers stand silently with laptops and screens showing the public videos of the sharp butchery. The videos are explicit, eye-opening and unforgivingly truthful. Blood trickles down the screen alongside an exhausted, yet impossible, fight from the helpless animals.


Over 56 billion animals are killed every year for the consumption by humans, unsurprisingly, this figure doesn’t include fish and other sea creatures. The one solution AV promotes to the public is veganism. Many of us are uneducated on the production of dairy products such as milk, eggs and cheese. A single cow must give birth to one calf each year in order to continue producing milk. An AV volunteer asked me during a demonstration in Kingston, “What do you think happens to the calf once its born?” The calf is taken away from its mother instantly after its born and fed milk replacers, and for an unbelievable fact: cattle blood has been used to replace milk.


The website,, offers a ‘Let’s try Vegan’ page. Anyone can sign up for free and will receive recipes and personal guidance from mentors and clinical dietitians.


Animals are exploited to such a degree its unarguable, yet the farming industry continues to increase. They’re treated as nothing but food consumption, is this really a fair way of acting? Animals deserve to have rights and to be justified, to live a full life away from abuse and mistreatment. Anonymous For The Voiceless have brought this to the streets in a way that cannot be ignored.

By Leanna Coleman

Anonymous for the Vioceless
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